Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Truth will set one free

As this “fair” of ours enters a new five year period of crime and corruption how will this affect the people in the street, the ordinary citizens of this country??

We have equality for all, but this is not so, stupid and gullible people are given posts of authority and fail to deliver and do their duties. The government leaders give good lip service but the people that vote for them are foolish to believe the voice they hear and give them the nod. In fact they are led blindly like sheep to the slaughter. As in the past and in the future the party leaders made false and unrealistic promises to the rural peoples, the poor and to the rich. All in all they will just mess up a good system and constitution and all will suffer in the end. They introduced very strict gun laws and what that did was allow the criminal to arm themselves better and strike terror into their victims. Way back in the 1700’s a American President said; “Disarm the citizens and all you will do is arm the criminals.” That is so true. The Police have lost, have had stolen and just do not know where so many official police guns are in the last year. Many guns handed in my responsible people for destruction have ended in the hands of criminals. We do not even know how many military guns have just went the same way as the police’s. Big questions here???

Taking away the death sentence is a poor way to control certain crimes as it is a deterrent and if used wisely can be a big step in preventing rape, armed robbery, murder, arson and some other serious crimes. Aside from that the man/woman in the street should be free to defend their homes and lives in any way that is required by the situation. Take stone throwing. A stone can kill just as easily as a bullet. A motorist should be allowed to shoot to kill any stone throwers that threaten their life. A rock striking a windscreen can cause the drover to crash and be seriously be hurt or killed in the crash or by the stone throwers.

How I am a peaceful person but will protect myself any way I can to keep myself safe. I love life and people and love the diversity of the different people groups around us. The different cultures are often colourful and interesting as we all can learn from each other’s culture. Some beliefs I find silly but still I respect them as it is the choice of the person to follow them. Often there are many good things in different beliefs. The funny thing is there are stories that are the same or similar to the Christian belief in many other religions that predate the Christian one.

I feel that we are all children of nature and should learn to understand each other and live in harmony. It can be done. Fear of the unknown and fear of differences causes a lot of things and that need not to be so. We are all “life forms” on this planet, to take a term from a well known science fiction space series. Different but all the same none the less. We all need air to breath, food to eat, shelter and some means of obtaining all that. Let us live in peace and harmony together and that was and is the main teachings of all religions, where man has not distorted the truth.

No matter if you are GLBTIQ or even not one that can be labelled as such can live in peace and harmony then there will be peace and harmony, add respect for all and we will have a real great land.

Truth has a way of coming out and will come out and we will be free as those who lie will end up despised and ousted.

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