Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What goes around comes around

Often we come across people who are , well let us just say that they are negative people who find fault with everything. Whatever reasons that they have for be such is only known to them, needless to say they tend to find fault where ever the go and with every one they meet, well almost everywhere and everyone.

I have a story to tell of a friend who had a lot of negative feelings and actions caused against her and all this because she displayed gender diversity. She is a trans-woman who is busy transitioning. She was even assaulted by these people who were in many ways dependent on her income and he charity. They did not take to the fact that she could not live the life that she was living anymore and turned on her and assaulted her one day as well as causing a load of problems with her employer so that she was forced to resign. This has impacted on their life styles as she had to seek a place to stay away from them. Now this family that was staying with her cannot keep up the rent, and are now in financial difficulties and the man is busy divorcing his wife who also took part in the assault.

This is my point that if you go through life seeking to do hard to others you will one face some bad things and even if the same things do not happen to you other things will.

Respect for individuals and this includes gender identity, gender, sexual preference, culture (both identity and ethnicity), religion, and other diversity. As long as these factors and not used for evil and cruelty then they can and deserve respect. Diversity is something wonderful, just look at nature how divers it is and even within its different branches how diverse it is there. Birds and fishers are a good example, just how many species and sub species there are, the same for us humans. If we all thought alike or even dressed alike then it would be a boring life and we all would be negative.

Be careful how you look at and treat people as turn and turn around might just come your way. Of cause there will some that do not deserve any respect and those should be left to suffer their just cause and effect.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad things and people.

Bad things and people.

This week, Wednesday to be exact a friend that works with me received very sad and bad news. Her brother’s best friend was brutally murdered in the drive way of his home. He and his wife came home to find this intruder, one intruder, and this fellow turned on them and stabbed the domestic worker who also died leaving three small children with no one to care for them, the wife was also stabbed as well as the neighbour who came to help. Unfortunately the husband was stabbed in the neck and as it severed his juggler vein he did not survive. The murderer was caught and arrested. He showed no regret at his actions. Such senseless violence looks to be the order of the day nowadays. It seems that the criminal has no regard for property or life, as well that some looks to have too much protection from the law. Certain crimes should be faced with the death sentence as it might; I doubt that it will, act as a deterrent to such crimes. The crimes that should be listed as serious can be considered as the following; Rape, attacks without provocation, armed robbery, murder and child molestation under certain circumstances.

Why are we faced with such happenings? There is not an easy answer to this but we can only hope and pray that things get better and that the authorities wake up and do something positive about these kind of happenings which are far to a everyday occurrence.

The effects that these actions have are profound on the people that know and love the victims, and it is actions such as this that breed hatred and even racial discrimination. I do not like discrimination in any form but how can anyone not get some feelings such as these when greed and disregard for life are key elements of someone’s actions not feel such things.

One of my favourite authors often uses a line in his stories that goes something like this; A man/woman can make anything of himself if only he applies him/herself to find a means.

In other words to improve yourself in all ways, socially and financially is in your hands and with some effort on your part you can become someone and earn money for your needs.

Words from my heart

Free to be me

When I was young I had this dream

I dream that I was a girl, with long hair in curls

I would run and play in the sunshine in my pretty sundress

Amongst the flowers with butterflies and bees.

Then I would awake

And realize that it was only a dream.

I was a boy with short hair and wore shorts

I would play in the garden and wonder why I dreamed like I did.

Then night would come

I would dream again that I was a pretty girl playing

Under a tree in the garden with dolls and tea set

Why, why would I dream

Dream the dreams that I did, was I a girl

Not a boy even though everyone told me that I was one

Then as I got older

I found that I was a girl inside, a woman

As I grew up I started to change the outside

To match the inside and happiness was what I found.

Free to be me,

Free form the social bounds that held me

Free to be me

Free from out of the closet doors that his me

Free to be me

Free from the social perceptions that trapped me

Free to be me

Free in the world that accepts me for me

Free to be me

This is my story....boy....girl....man...woman, the true me

Andrea Elva mulder 2008

This Girl in the Mirror

Who is this girl in the mirror?

Is she someone I know?

A cousin, girlfriend or someone else?

Do I know her, is she real?

Could she be someone from deep inside?

Is she, that girl inside of me?

She has to come out.

She has to live.

I cannot live this lie anymore.

I must set her free.

If I do not she will die and so will I.

This girl in the mirror.

She is me.

The true me, that lay hid.

Hidden so deep for far too long.

Today I will set her free.

And become who I really am.

This girl in the mirror I see, is me.

Andrea Elva Mulder 2009