Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hi All

We often have moans and groans but at times we should place the moans and groans aside and have some light hearted things to say. Yes we do have moans and groans as there are often a lot to moan and groan about such as the foolishness of people who believe everything that they hear such as many who voted in this last elections.

Well I have some light hearted things to say. In this transition period I have had some funny experiences and they have brought a laugh or two to those who were involved as well as some head shaking.

One is being called the daughter of my partner, that was funny but also rather silly on the part of the person who made that remark. The other while producing my ID, which still is in my old name, (still waiting for DHA to issue the new one); “Is this your ID?” Early in my transition this never happened, what has changed? I still look the same and even sound somewhat the same, (I have worked on my voice a little. So what is the difference? Is it the way I present myself or how I walk talk and act. Am I now embracing my woman hood or is it that I am just comfortable with myself? I think it is the combination of all.

The other funny thing is being seen as my wife’s sister and that is lovely as well as my own sister. So some things are full of fun and good. I am happier within myself and living a full life so I have no moans .

Life has it ups and downs and they all work out in the end so embrace those ups and good times as these are the ones we remember in later times.



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